Virtual Host support on the embedded HTTP server

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at
Mon Dec 14 14:23:53 PST 2009

On 12/14/2009 03:58 PM, Michael McMahon wrote:
>> The alternative is to select something O(1)-ish but this can
>> drastically limit what is possible. Though like I said, for my
>> purposes if you would allow for host name ("") and a simple
>> pattern mechanism ("*" but not, say, "foo.*.com"), that'd be
>> OK and it would still let you have an O(1)-ish implementation (e.g.
>> split by ".", evalulate segments right-to-left, depth first, exact
>> match first, wildcard match second so longest match wins, not too
>> unlike how contexts are matched I guess).
> I think this might be simpler.

OK, so how about this patch (attached, again just covers the API)?

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