Request for Review 6863110

Christopher Hegarty - Sun Microsystems Ireland Christopher.Hegarty at Sun.COM
Wed Jul 22 08:05:26 PDT 2009


Newly connected and accepted SctpChannels eagerly receive the COMM_UP 
notification so that an Association can be created with the appropriate 
in/out streams. This of course removes the notification from the native 
stack and caches it at the java level so that it can be received later 
by the application. This is not the right thing to do.

The solution is to peek at the notification when connecting and 
accepting SctpChannels rather than simply receiving the notification. 
This will leave the notification on the native stack and a subsequent 
select will fire OP_READ.

CR 6863110: Newly connected/accepted SctpChannel should fire OP_READ if 
registered with a Selector


Thanks to Bruce Buffam for find and reporting this bug.


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