Request for Review 6855335

Christopher Hegarty - Sun Microsystems Ireland Christopher.Hegarty at Sun.COM
Mon Jun 29 03:45:44 PDT 2009

On 29/06/2009 11:32, Michael McMahon wrote:
> Christopher Hegarty - Sun Microsystems Ireland wrote:
>> Hi Michael, Jessie,
>> I need a code review for some SCTP changes that were found during 
>> testing.
>> CR 6855335:
>>   Several changes in the SCTP implementation.
>> Webrev:
>> 1) SctpMultiChannel.branch returns null.
>>    branch was not implemented in the first push of sctp. It is now.
> Do you need to establish any state other than 
> remoteAddresses?
> What about localAddresses for instance?
Yeap, SctpChannel already has localAddresses.

remoteAddresses is used to cache the remote addresses of the 
association. When getRemoteAddresses is used to query the channel for 
the list of remote addresses is goes into the kernel to determine the 
most recent list of addresses, if this call fails and the channel is 
still open, remoteAddresses is returned.

One reason why the native call to determine the remote addresses can 
fail while the channel is still open is if the peer has shutdown the 
association. You can still receive outstanding messages already in the 
recv buffer and there is most probably a shutdown notification on the 
stack, so it seems intuitive (and is also specified) that 
getRemoteAddresses will still return the list of remote addresses until 
the channel is closed.


> - Michael.

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