Code Review 6969395: TEST_BUG: Tests in java/net sun/net problems

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Jul 15 10:11:02 PDT 2010

Chris Hegarty wrote:
> Alan,
> Can you please review these various updates to the jdk net regression 
> tests. Mainly closing of sockets, samevm issues, dial back of tests, 
> etc..
> Webrev:
> Thanks.
> -Chris.
Good work!  A few comments:

Should you leave the # jdk_net header in ProblemList.txt so that there 
is a place to add networking tests in the future?

I notice you've changed a lot of http server tests to run in othervm 
mode. Do they have to run in othervm mode? Just thinking about the 
overall test time.

test/java/net/DatagramSocket/ - I assume line 43 is 
now needed as you have created sock already.

test/java/net/Socket/ - I think the original bug 
related to a delay of 500ms so increasing the tolerance may mean it 
doesn't catch the original issue. Hard to know what to do with this 
test; maybe it needs to run several times and pass if at least one 
iteration is within tolerance. Alternatively maybe we should disable the 

test/java/net/Socket/ - should you close serverSocket?

test/java/net/URLClassLoader/ - minor bit but it looks 
like the indentation in the handle method is inconsistent.

test/java/net/URLConnection/ - are these changes 

Otherwise the changes look fine to me.


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