Code Review 6969395: TEST_BUG: Tests in java/net sun/net problems

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Wed Jul 21 02:59:07 PDT 2010

On 07/19/10 15:11, Alan Bateman wrote:
> Chris Hegarty wrote:
>> :
>> In samevm mode all the http server tests that use SSL fail with
>> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: "Could not initialize class
>> javax.crypto.JceSecurityManager". This is really weird. I exchanged
>> mail with Jon Gibbons about this, but we never got to the bottom of
>> it. At the very least it will require a jtreg change, so for now
>> othervm is all we have.
> OK. Will you create a bug so that this one isn't forgotten?

No problem. I'll file a bug against jtreg for this.

Sorry, I didn't reply to this first time round.

 > test/java/net/Socket/ - I think the original bug
 > related to a delay of 500ms so increasing the tolerance may mean it
 > doesn't catch the original issue. Hard to know what to do with this
 > test; maybe it needs to run several times and pass if at least one
 > iteration is within tolerance. Alternatively maybe we should disable
 > the test?

Thinking about this. If the test ever fails, even with a rerun, can we 
be certain that it is a bug or just a slow machine? I guess removing the 
test may be the best course of action. If you agree, 'hg remove' or 
something else?


> -Alan.

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