Code Review Request 6946825:; Memory Leak on Non HTTP conform open socket

Michael McMahon Michael.McMahon at Sun.COM
Thu May 6 09:08:47 PDT 2010

Looks fine.

- Michael.

Chris Hegarty wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> The Server implementation keeps a list of HttpConnection instances 
> (which hold SelektionKeyImpl instances) per connection. After 
> accepting a new connection a HttpConnection is created and added to 
> the list. It is never removed if the request turns out to be BAD.
> Other instances unnecessarily held as a result of holding the 
> HttpConnection:
>   java.nio.HeapByteBuffer & [B
> The solution is to remote BAD connections from the list.
> Webrev:
> Note: There is no regression test for this problem. The fix ( and 
> problem ) was manually verified by looking at a heap histogram.
> -Chris.

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