Code Review 6947917: Error in basic authentication when user name and password are long

Michael McMahon Michael.McMahon at Sun.COM
Fri May 7 02:52:26 PDT 2010

Looks fine.

- Michael.

Chris Hegarty wrote:
> Michael,
> A minor change to the encoder used for Basic Authentication.
> Webrev:
> The Basic Authentication implementation, 
>, uses a 
> sun.misc.BASE64Encoder to encode the Authentication headers field 
> value. The sun.misc.BASE64Encoder class encodes 57 bytes per line. 
> This results in a maximum of 57/3 * 4, or 76, characters per output 
> line (not counting the line termination) before writing a LineSuffix, 
> i.e. a newline character.
> With long long usernames and/or passwords it is possible to generate a 
> header value with more than 76 characters, therefore causing a newline 
> character to be returned as part of the header value. This violates 
> the HTTP spec for Message Headers, which states that "Header fields 
> can be extended over multiple lines by preceding each extra line with 
> at least one SP or HT.".
> We should increase the number of bytes per line for the encoder used 
> for Basic Authentication, similar to what is done in  
> NegotiateAuthentication.
> -Chris.

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