Request to review fix in IPv6 JTreg tests (java/net/ipv6tests/)

Pavel Tisnovsky ptisnovs at
Tue May 18 05:57:04 PDT 2010

Michael McMahon wrote:
> Hi Pavel,
>  From what I can see this code is invoked from the method
> getFirstLocalIPv6Address() which would expect to get a link local address,
> but the nature of the new test is to reject link local addressses.

In fact the method getFirstLocalIPv6Address() returns the first 
non-loopback address regardless of its type. Am I right that link-local 
(not site-local) addresses can't be used for regular datagram sending 
and/or receiving?. From what I know datagrams sent to this address 
aren't forwarded...

> Thanks,
> Michael.
> Pavel Tisnovsky wrote:
>> Hi,
>> could you please review the small change in IPv6 regression tests 
>> helper class test/java/net/ipv6tests/
>> Webrev containing this change is available at:
>> The changed condition ensures that the test does not use 
>> link-local special IPv6 addresses (i.e. addresses that starts with FE8 
>> - FEB) to perform datagram manipulation.
>> Cheers
>> Pavel Tisnovsky

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