Socket InputStream.available may return a positive value after shutdown

Jing LV lvjing at
Mon Aug 15 01:44:21 PDT 2011

Thanks Chris, the fix is fine to me.

于 2011-8-12 18:03, Chris Hegarty 写道:
> On 11/08/2011 19:31, Michael McMahon wrote:
>> On 11/08/11 17:27, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>> Chris Hegarty wrote:
>>>> Here is a first stab at fixing this issue.
>>>> -Chris.
>>> The spec clarification seems reasonable to me. Small typo "the 
>>> streams available method" to "the stream's available method".
>>> Good to see the NIO socket adapter included in the test. One comment 
>>> on the test is that the Thread.dumpStack is a bit odd. It might be 
>>> better to pass in a test name into the test method and have that 
>>> printed by the failure message.
>>> -Alan.
>> Just wondering what the motivation for changing this is? I can see 
>> the logic in the change
>> all right, but has anyone actually encountered this problem (of an 
>> inconsistency
>> between InputStream.available() and the number of bytes that can be 
>> returned)?
> This fix gives us consistent behavior across all platforms, and 
> clarifies the spec so that users know what to expect. Currently the 
> behavior on Linux and Windows is to return the amount of unattainable 
> data in the socket buffer. Solaris returns 0.
> We have two bugs in the bug database (that I can find) for this:
>   6726928: SocketInputStream.available() method does not return 0 when 
> it reaches end of file on Linux
>   7014860: Socket.getInputStream().available() not clear for case that 
> connection is shutdown for reading
> CR 7014860 is the bug being used to fix this issue.
> -Chris.
>> - Michael

Best Regards,
Jimmy, Jing LV

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