Datagram socket leak

Salter, Thomas A Thomas.Salter at
Mon Aug 29 07:27:04 PDT 2011

There appears to be a socket leak in both DatagramSocket and MulticastSocket constructors.  Both classes have constructors that create a socket and then attempt to bind.  The bind can fail with a variety of exceptions none of which are caught by the constructor.  Thus, the actual system socket that was allocated by impl.create() is never closed.

My fix was to wrap a try-finally around the bind call and call close() if isBound is false.

    public DatagramSocket(SocketAddress bindaddr) throws SocketException {
        // create a datagram socket.
        if (bindaddr != null) {
          try {
          } finally {
              if( !isBound() )

Tom Salter
Unisys Corporation

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