Crash due to missing synchronization on 'gconf_client' in 'jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/net/spi/DefaultProxySelector.c'

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Sun Aug 12 15:04:06 PDT 2012

To close the loop on this one, here is a link to the jdk8 changeset:

I'll propose a backport to jdk7u-dev once this has bake for a little in 
8 first.

While the changes actually ended up being quite small, this issue has 
haunted us for a while now. It gets mentioned on many forums. Hopefully, 
this will be an end to it.

Christian, thanks for debugging and resolve this issue for us.


On 10/08/12 21:52, Christian Schulte wrote:
> Am 08/10/12 18:10, schrieb Chris Hegarty:
>> Christian,
>> I finally got back to this.
>> Since init() is only ever called from the class initializer it is
>> implicitly single threaded, so we only need to add the synchronized
>> keyword to getSystemProxy().
>> I also added a test for completeness. Here is the final webrev that I
>> intend to push ( listing 'Christian Schulte <cs at>' as the
>> contributor ).
>> -Chris.
> Thank you.
> Regards,

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