Use Builder pattern ( was: Re: Http client API)

Michael McMahon michael.x.mcmahon at
Wed Aug 15 09:20:39 PDT 2012

On 09/08/12 10:50, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> On 09/08/12 00:00, Jed Wesley-Smith wrote:
>> Michael McMahon <michael.x.mcmahon at ...> writes:
>>> A new revision of the Http client API planned for jdk 8 can be viewed
>>> at the following link
>>> We would like to review the api on this mailing list.
>>> So, all comments are welcome.
>> Can you separate the domain objects (in particular HttpClient, 
>> HttpRequest)
>> and their set-up (all the mutators) into separate concerns (Builders 
>> perhaps,
>> see Guava for instance)?
> +1, I agree with your comment.
> Wherever possible we should try to use a builder pattern to build 
> immutable objects ( or limit its mutability as much as possible ). I 
> think Mike made a very similar comment too. Maybe the spi and 
> factory/builder could be separated out, I think this would be much 
> cleaner.
> As you say, you get thread-safety by default, which would appear to be 
> a nice property for this API, given its different programming models.
I agree. The various mutable set() type methods should be in builders 
and the resulting HttpClient and HttpRequests
should be immutable. Will look into that now.


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