Http client API

Michael McMahon michael.x.mcmahon at
Thu Aug 16 05:16:18 PDT 2012

On 08/08/12 20:09, Ian Robertston wrote:
> Instead of HttpRequest having
>    void setBody(Iterable<ByteBuffer>  buffers, boolean isRestartable)
> what about having two methods:
>    void setBody(Iterable<ByteBuffer>  buffers) // presumed restartable
>    void setBody(Iterator<ByteBuffer>  buffers) // clearly not restartable
> Not only does this avoid a potentially confusing boolean parameter, but it also
> avoids forcing people to create "dishonest" Iterables, where they know the
> iterator() method cannot be called more than once.
>    - Ian

Thanks for the comment. I agree this is probably the way to do it.
Having two separate methods gives scope to explain the difference
clearly in the javadoc.

- Michael.

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