Suggestion of combining some macros of processing solaris, macosx with other UNIX
Dmitry Samersoff
Dmitry.Samersoff at
Thu Aug 16 04:25:41 PDT 2012
Sorry for being later at the party.
Could you explain why you are calling both
for Linux
and only
for other OS-es.
2. If it's really necessary
did you consider of writing special variant of mcast_set_if_by_addr_v6
combined both functionality for linux to reduce number of JNI
(FindClass) calls and macros inside code ?
On 2012-08-16 13:21, Frank Ding wrote:
> On 8/14/2012 10:42 PM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
>> On 14/08/12 13:11, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>> On 14/08/2012 04:11, Frank Ding wrote:
>>>> On 8/7/2012 1:46 PM, Frank Ding wrote:
>>>>> :
>>>>> Could anybody take a look at my patch below and make comment?
>>>>> Thanks & Best regards,
>>>>> Frank
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Is there anybody who is interested in the patch and who can take a
>>>> look and comment?
>>> It looks okay to me but I don't have time at the moment to sponsor it.
>>> Can you confirm that you've run the tests with this change?
>> I filed 7191275: "Cleanup OS specific vinblocks in
>> PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c to support more unix-like platforms",for
>> this issue.
>> I can sponsor this patch and help get it in. Can answer Alan's
>> question about testing? And confirm that it builds on all platforms?
>> Thanks,
>> -Chris.
>>> -Alan
> Hi Chris and Alan,
> Thank you for taking time to help this issue. I have built using
> latest openjdk 8 repo on Windows 64 and Linux 32/64. Since it's a macro
> change in path "src/solaris", I only did jtreg tests for Linux 32 and 64
> build. The jtreg tests I ran are restricted to package "java/net".
> Please let me know if you need me to do more tests or on more platforms
> (such as Solaris).
> Best regards,
> Frank
Dmitry Samersoff
Java Hotspot development team, SPB04
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