Suggestion of combining some macros of processing solaris, macosx with other UNIX

Jonathan Lu luchsh at
Fri Aug 17 02:20:48 PDT 2012

On 08/17/2012 04:14 PM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> On 16/08/12 10:21, Frank Ding wrote:
>> ....
>> Hi Chris and Alan,
>>    Thank you for taking time to help this issue.  I have built using
>> latest openjdk 8 repo on Windows 64 and Linux 32/64.  Since it's a macro
>> change in path "src/solaris", I only did jtreg tests for Linux 32 and 64
>> build.  The jtreg tests I ran are restricted to package "java/net".
>> Please let me know if you need me to do more tests or on more platforms
>> (such as Solaris).
> I ran some builds and tests on all ( Solaris, Linux & Mac ) platforms. 
> All looks good.
> You can list me as a reviewer. I can push this for you, or can have 
> someone else from IBM do the push, just let me know.
> Thanks for the contribution,
> -Chris.
>> Best regards,
>> Frank
Hello Chris,

Thanks for review, I've pushed the change @

changeset:   5704:4993f8aa7f2e
tag:         tip
user:        dingxmin
date:        Fri Aug 17 17:10:56 2012 +0800
files:       src/solaris/native/java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c
7191275: Cleanup OS specific blocks in PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c to 
support more unix-like platforms
Reviewed-by: chegar

And to Frank, pls verify the change set.


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