Code review request 7183373: URLClassloader.close() does not close JAR files whose resources have been loaded via getResource()

Shirish Kuncolienkar shirishk at
Fri Aug 24 09:02:24 PDT 2012

On 8/24/2012 5:39 PM, Michael McMahon wrote:
> On 23/08/12 18:50, Shirish Kuncolienkar wrote:
>> Could I get the change reviewed please
>> This behavior is seen on Windows.
>> Logic in URLClassPath.getLoader() does not take care of an URL which 
>> looks like "jar:file:/C:/test/xyz.jar!/". The logic ends up choosing 
>> a FileLoader instead of a JarLoader.  JarLoader has provision for 
>> closing file handles, so choosing a JarLoader will solve the problem. 
>> Secondly the constructor of JarLoader blindly adds a prefix and 
>> suffix to the provided URL to make it look like a jar URL. Changed 
>> the code here to conditionally append/prepend
>> The change set can be found at 
>> -Shirish
> Shirish,
> I have a slight concern that this would modify the Loader class to be 
> used in some circumstances
> completely independent of the requirements of URLClassLoader.close(). 
> This is very sensitive code.
> Would it be possible to fix this within the context of whatever loader 
> is currently being invoked?
> - Michael

Thanks for the review comments.  The second version of the fix is 
uploaded at
Could you please take a look at this one ?

Description of the fix:
URLClassPath.Loader.findResource() method opens a connection to the 
provided URL to test whether the URL is good.  Here the Jar file gets 
opened but does not get closed because the created stream as 
setUseCaches set to true.

Just out of curiosity I would like to know bit more on "some 
circumstances completely independent of the requirements of 
URLClassLoader.close()".  I see that the Loader classes are private in 
nature and are being used within the context of the URLClassPath.
We create an instance of JarLoader for all the jars that are on the 
extension class loader path by adding "jar" ,  "!/" to the file url 
which comes as the input.  The reason behind the first fix was that if 
we have a url like this why not use a JarLoader instance.

- Shirish

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