Fwd: Http Client API for JDK 8
Jim Gish
jim.gish at oracle.com
Thu May 3 12:43:21 PDT 2012
-------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Http Client API for JDK 8
> Date: Thu, 03 May 2012 11:22:00 +0100
> From: Michael McMahon <michael.x.mcmahon at oracle.com>
> To: OpenJDK Network Dev list <net-dev at openjdk.java.net>
> Hi,
> Attached is a zipped bundle of a proposed new Http client API for JDK 8.
> The Javadoc can also be inspected at the following URI
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~michaelm/httpclient/v0.2/javadoc/
> The documentation is still somewhat sparse, but I hope there is enough
> to understand the intent behind all of the new classes/methods.
> It is still in an early stage of definition. So, all comments are welcome.
> Thanks,
> Michael
Hi Michael,
I have little expertise in this area, so I have only a few comments on
content, but overall it looks good. However, here are a few things that
I noticed.
1. An Overview would be helpful
2. I think I understand the why you have capitalized Upgrade when
referring to an "HTTP Upgrade" being done. However, it doesn't
strike me as necessary or particularly correct. I would just use
3. When viewing the http javadoc via the URL above, and horizontally
expanding and shrinking the window, the Method and Description
content under Method Summary/Methods does not wrap and thus gets
truncated - forcing the user to do horizontal scrolling to see the
content. This is also true for some, but not all, Method
Detail(s). For example, in httpclient.AsynchronousHttpClient, the
method signatures for send and setAsynchronousChannelGroup do not
wrap, although the descriptions for those methods do. (This may be
a consequence of doclet behavior rather than anything you are doing
-- I don't know).
4. HttpCompletionHandler
1. "The HttpCompletionHandler is the completion handler implemented
by applications that make use of the asynchronous mode in order
to obtain notification when the HttpResponse is ready to be
read." -- I would strike "the completion handler", yielding "The
HttpCompletionHandler is the completion handler implemented by
applications that make use of the asynchronous mode in order to
obtain notification when the HttpResponse is ready to be read.
2. "This method is always invoked once only for every request,
regardless of whether an actual response was received from the
serve." -> "This method is always invoked once only for every
request, regardless of whether an actual response was received
from the /*server*/. " (missing "r")
5. Similarly to above, AsynchronousUpgradeConnection -- "The
AsynchronousUpgradeConnection represents a connection obtained as
the successful result of an HTTP Upgrade using the client in
asynchronous mode." -> "An AsynchronousUpgradeConnection is
obtained as the successful result of an HTTP Upgrade using the
client in asynchronous mode."
6. HttpConnectionCache - "The client calls before every request to
either get an existing cached or newly opened connection. When
finisthed with a connection it calls" would be better as "The
methods on this interface are called by the client prior to using or
creating a connection and also to inform the cache that a connection
is no longer needed by the client." (The second sentence as it is
1. I think returnToCache should be called either releaseConnection
or clear or freeConnection. Actually, is this method really
needed at all? It seems like the close() on the connection
should take care of this. Either that or the method should be
on the connection itself.
2. "Represents a cache of idle TCP connections that can be managed
according to a user (or application) defined policy" -> should
be "user-defined" or "application-defined", hence "user- (or
application-)defined" (Yeah I know. This is a /real /nit! :-) )
7. AsynchronousHttpClient -- "The type of client that sends an
asynchronous request and receives the asynchronous response at some
undetermined time later." -> "A client that sends a request and
asynchronously receives a response." (unless the server is pushing
responses before getting a request, you typically would receive the
response /later/ than the request :-)). Also, I don't think you are
/sending/ the request asynchronously, are you? Aren't you sending a
request to which you are requiring an asynchronous /response. /You
certainly can describe this as an asynchronous request, but it's not
quite correct to say that the request is being made asynchronously
(unless of course it really is). There is similar language in the
send() methods' descriptions.
8. AsynchronousByteChannel - getBody() "Returns an asynchronous byte
channel to read read the response body." -> 'Returns an asynchronous
byte channel to read read the response body." (2 occurrences -
method summary and method detail)
9. DataSource - "It can also be implemented by Filter modules for the
purpose filtering all request or response body data." -> "It can
also be implemented by Filter modules for the purpose /*of*
/filtering all request or response body data. Note."
10. HttpMethodBase - "MExtesible enum interface" /MExtesible/ ?
11. HttpUpgradeHandler
1. "This interface is implemented by the client side of an Http
Upgrade protocol handshake..." -> "HTTP" or "http" instead of
"Http" for consistency throughout the doc. (Although, given the
usage of camel case in the interface/class/method names, maybe
not. In any case, all three forms are used in various places in
the docs) Also, as before Upgrade -> upgrade.
2. "If so, the Http Client library will request a reference to the
protocol specific connection object by calling the getConnection
method." -> /protocol-specific/
3. "The HttpResponse obtained from an HttpRequest with an
HttpUpgradeHandler carries the active connection
(UpgradeConnection) object object created as a result of the
handshake (if successful)." -> "The HttpResponse obtained from
an HttpRequest with an HttpUpgradeHandler carries the active
connection (UpgradeConnection) object object created as a result
of a successful handshake."
12. UpgradeConnection
1. "Interface to represent a connection managed in the
HttpConnection Pool and which Encapsulates a SocketChannel" -
no need to capitalize "encapsulates."
2. "The channel remains private and hidden. But all channels used
by the client must be expose this API" -> "The channel remains
private and hidden, but all channels used by the client must
expose this API." ("But. The"-> "but, the" and adding missing
period after "API").
13. BlockingHttpClient -"The type of client that sends a request,
blocking the current thread of execution until the response is ready
to read." -> "A client that ....." (less wordy)
14. ByteBufferWrapper -implRestart() "should be overridden if this
class needs to do something when restart called Default is to do
nothing." no need to capitalize "default"
15. Filter - "The new request will sent and the response to that request
will be linked back to the original request. ie the calling code
will see the response to the new request as the response to the
original request." -> "The new request will */be/* sent and the
response to that request will be linked back to the original
request*/, i.e./* the calling code will see the response to the new
request as the response to the original request."
16. HttpClient
1. "Each instance is responsible for a series of connections which
all have the same characteristics (in particular execution
mode), some of which can be overriden for a particular request,
for example default request timeout." -> "Each instance is
responsible for a series of connections. Each connection has
the same characteristics, and in particular, the execution mode.
Some of the characteristics, such as the default request
timeout, can be overridden for a particular request."
2. "Notes on Thread Safety For the blocking client, the API will be
threadsafe." -> "Notes on thread safety" (should this be
paragraph header with "For the blocking client, the API will be
threadsafe." the first sentence?
17. HttpConnectionCache.CachedConnection
1. isProxy() - "returns if this connection is to a proxy," ->
"returns */true/* if this connection is to a proxy,"
2. getAge() - "returns age of TCP connection in milli-seconds at
time of object creation." -> "returns /*the*/ age of TCP
connection in milli-seconds at time of object creation."
3. getUseCount() - "returns number of times the connection has been
used" -> "returns /*the */number of times the connection has
been used"
4. isClosed() - "returns whether the connection is closed" ->
"returns true iff the connection is closed"
5. close() -- as I said before, perhaps this is all that is needed
to "return" the connection to the cache.
18. HttpRequest - setBody() - "Sets this request's request body
statically, ie. it is provided up-front. in the given ByteBuffer[]."
-> "Sets this request's request body statically, /*i.e.*/ it is
provided up-front. in the given ByteBuffer[]." (extraneous period
between "up-front" and "in the given").
19. SimpleHttpConnectionCache - "Connections are stored in a HashMap."
Implementation details shouldn't be in the description.
20. HttpHeaderNames, HttpMethod -- aren't this elsewhere already?
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