Using OP_CONNECT with causes selector to fire repeatedly

Deven You youdwei at
Wed May 9 00:26:56 PDT 2012

Hi All,

When start a simple server, listening on a port like 8765, which just 
accepts connections. We then register a non-blocking SocketChannel (the 
client) with a selector with interest in OP_CONNECT, so that we can use 
the selector to notify us when the channel is ready to finish connecting.

We call client.connect and then in a loop. The selector 
fires and with the client channel in the selected-keys set and we call 
finishConnect() on the client's channel.

Then the problem occurs:
The selector repeatedly fires with no entries in its selected-keys set, 
whereas it should block in the next select operation until there is at 
least one key in the selected-keys set.

There is already a sun bug for this issue[1], when I looked into this 
sun bug I realize the second scenario of this sun bug is described very 
detailed by a duplicate sun bug[2].

One way to solve this problem is let selector  reset the OP_CONNECT bit 
as 0 after the channel is connected for the corresponding key using 
key.interestOps(). I just make a patch[3] for this approach.

Could anyone take a look at this patch to see if we could solve this 
problem in this way!




Thanks a lot!

Best Regards,


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