<net-dev> Java_java_net_Inet6AddressImpl_isReachable0 is returning false for InetAdress

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed May 9 01:33:43 PDT 2012

On 09/05/2012 04:36, Deven You wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> Since this patch is for Unix like platforms, I didn't test the test 
> case on Windows yet.
> However when I tested it on Windows I found it will fail on Windows.
> I also use ping command on Windows to test both and ::0, they 
> all fail. So I want to know if we need further investigation to see 
> why these 2 addresses can not be reachable or we just think it is the 
> proper behavior because JDK's behavior is consistent with ping on Windows?
It's important that all tests pass on all platforms. In a few cases 
you'll see code in tests where it checks os.name and if the test is not 
applicable then it just passes. It's okay if you do the same for this 
test. Also as I said in one of the original replies, this one isn't 
really a bug, it's just about having InetAddress.isReachable work 
similar to the ping command on the platform for this case.

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