RFR 8022126: Remove throws SocketException from DatagramPacket constructors accepting SocketAddress

Michael McMahon michael.x.mcmahon at oracle.com
Wed Aug 7 09:22:14 PDT 2013

In that case, my vote would be to just put it in release notes. If there 
are others in JDK 8, then maybe
they could be listed together.


On 07/08/13 17:03, Joe Darcy wrote:
> Hello,
> Source incompatible changes of this magnitude (if not exact 
> character), have been made in major release before.
> IMO, release notes are the proper mechanism to inform users of such a 
> change rather than the constructor javadoc. (Putting such 
> time-sensitive notes in javadoc tends to age poorly and become a 
> distraction rather than a help.)
> Cheers,
> -Joe
> On 08/07/2013 08:49 AM, Michael McMahon wrote:
>> As a matter of interest, what (if any) precedent is there for such
>> source incompatible changes? Maybe it's more common that I thought.
>> Michael.
>> On 07/08/13 16:45, Chris Hegarty wrote:
>>> I'm not sure if there is precedent for adding such release notes 
>>> inline in the javadoc (and subsequently removed in the next major 
>>> release), but I am not opposed to it in principle. I guess it may 
>>> look something like:
>>>      * <p>Note: In this release, this constructor no longer declares
>>>      * that it throws {@code SocketException}. Callers that explicitly
>>>      * handle {@code SocketException} ( or one of its superclasses )
>>>      * may need to remove this explicit exception handling.
>>> Anyone every encounter this kind of comment before, or have a strong 
>>> opinion either way ( I'm personally on the fence ).
>>> -Chris.
>>> On 06/08/2013 20:25, Matthew Hall wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Aug 06, 2013 at 06:18:39PM +0100, Michael McMahon wrote:
>>>>> Documenting in release notes is okay too, but I suspect developers 
>>>>> are not
>>>>> likely to look there at first anyway. Thinking aloud, it would be 
>>>>> nice if
>>>>> some kind of annotation could be associated with the affected 
>>>>> constructors
>>>>> such that a more meaningful/customized error message could be 
>>>>> emitted by
>>>>> javac. But, perhaps there aren't sufficient other use cases to 
>>>>> justify that.
>>>> Many of us use Eclipse, NetBeans, and JavaDoc.
>>>> So if we just had a comment in the JavaDoc, saying this was fixed, 
>>>> and what to
>>>> do, that ought to be more than adequate, and would prevent missing 
>>>> it if you
>>>> didn't see the relnotes.
>>>> Matthew.

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