ChunkedOutputStream missing last CRLF

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Thu Feb 28 07:49:33 PST 2013

Clearly is not a public API, so its 
direct use is not supported, or recommended.

Users of the HttpURLConnection API can only get indirect references to 
ChunkedOutputStream, and these are wrapped in a StreamingOutputStream 
[1]. The StreamingOutputStream.close will write the trailing CRLF.



On 02/28/2013 03:15 PM, Zhong Yu wrote:
> HTTP chunked body should be ended with
>      0 CRLF CRLF
> See
> However ends only with
>      0 CRLF
> missing the last CRLF.
> This is a serious framing error. If an HTTP connection is reused, the
> next message head will be considered trailer for the chunked body and
> ignored, and the next message body will be parsed as head. If the HTTP
> connection is not reused, the other end may be waiting indefinitely
> for the chunked body to end.
> Test code:
>      public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
>      {
>          ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
>          ChunkedOutputStream chunked = new ChunkedOutputStream(new
> PrintStream(out));
>          chunked.close();
>          out.close();
>          for(byte b : out.toByteArray())
>              System.out.println(b);
>      }
> produces "0 CR LF", while it should produce "0 CR LF CR LF".
> Zhong Yu

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