Code Review Request: 8017779: java/net/Authenticator/ fails
Michael McMahon
michael.x.mcmahon at
Wed Jul 17 00:27:46 PDT 2013
On 16/07/13 20:11, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
> Hi,
> We have observed that test/java/net/Authenticator/
> fails intermittently. Although not reproducible always,
> the bug could be in the test/sun/net/www/httptest library that this
> test uses. I have rewritten the test to use
> instead since we anyway want to move away from
> using the httptest library.
> I have used CyclicBarriers to mimic TestHttpServer.rendezvous() and
> CountDownLatches to
> mimic TestHttpServer.waitForCondition() and hopefully preserved the
> rest of the logic in the test.
> I have not seen the test failing after these changes.
> Bug:
> Webrev:
> Thanks,
> Kurchi
Since this is a fairly complicated test, and it's great to see it being
is there any possibility of adding some commentary that explains the purpose
of the synchronization code. For instance, I can't see the purpose of
the call
on line 163 as it just blocks a thread that has already completed its work
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