RFC compliant address selection vs. home made getaddrinfo

Bernd Eckenfels bernd-2013 at eckenfels.net
Wed Jun 12 15:11:34 PDT 2013

Hello Matthew,

Am 13.06.2013, 00:01 Uhr, schrieb Matthew Hall <mhall at mhcomputing.net>:
> There is a pre-existing alternative provider, dnsjava:

dns(only)-based providers are not the best option for general purpose  
resolving because (besides the fact that they will not use alternative  
naming methods which are typically used (mDNS, WINS, Hostsfile)) they also  
cannot use the more advanced functions of the system library (together  
with the kernel) for address selection.

Let me quote a section of my presentation* :=) , the links contains some  
background on the address selection

“A lot of the information used by the sorting algorithm is not easy to  
come by. It is therefore highly recommended that no program uses  
home-grown implementations of getaddrinfo(). Just use the system  
implementation.” (Ulrich Drepper, 2007,  

Having said that, DNS-only based implementations do have their use.  
dns,sun and dnsjava are on my list to check out :)


PS: * https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=A98B6F4E09966AFD!172

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