Code Review Request: 8013140: Heap corruption with NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress() and long i/f name

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu May 2 03:50:19 PDT 2013

On 02/05/2013 01:03, Kurchi Subhra Hazra wrote:
> Hi,
>    NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress() was crashing on solaris when 
> the system had a network
> interface name longer than 15 characters, due to two instances in the 
> native
> code for NetworkInterface where we were copying a char array of size 
> into a char array of size 16 (IFNAMSIZ), resulting in a buffer 
> overflow with long names.
> The fix is to make sure that the space allocated for the interface 
> name is consistent (16/32
> bytes depending on the system), and to prevent overflows by using 
> strncpy instead of strcpy.
> Bug:
> Webrev:
> Thanks,
> - Kurchi
A good fine, looks okay to me. An alternative would be sizeof(name) but 
what you have is fine.


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