Incorrect handling of HTTP/1.1 "Expect: 100-continue" in HttpURLConnection

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Tue May 7 06:52:35 PDT 2013

Hi Piotr,

Your bug is accessible at

 From my reading of the code the headers should be sent before waiting 
for the reply to continue.

 From sun/net/www/prtotocol/http/HttpURLConnection:

     getOutputStream() {
         if (!checkReuseConnection())

         boolean expectContinue = false;
         String expects = requests.findValue("Expect");
         if ("100-Continue".equalsIgnoreCase(expects)) {
             expectContinue = true;

         if (streaming() && strOutputStream == null) {
             writeRequests();      // <<<< Here

         if (expectContinue) {


Are you seeing something different?


On 05/07/2013 02:25 PM, Piotr Bzdyl wrote:
> Hello,
> This is my first post to this mailing list so I would like to say "Hi".
> The reason I subscribed and I am writing is that I believe I have found
> a bug in sun.*.HttpURLConnection class (in particular how it handles
> Expect: 100-continue header). I have already submitted a bug at
> <> but after almost 3 weeks I still
> cannot access the bug and check its status
> (
> I would like to ask if <> is alive or if
> it is possible to report the bug in the OpenJDK project or is there any
> other alternative procedure for submitting bug reports.
> Best regards,
> Piotr Bzdyl

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