Code Review Request: 8014254: Selector in HttpServer introduces a 1000 ms delay when using KeepAlive

Kurchi Hazra kurchi.subhra.hazra at
Wed May 8 16:06:10 PDT 2013

Hi, uses a selector to get notified about interesting
events (such as arrival of a new connection, or data available to read
on an existing connection when using keep-alive), but imposes a timeout of
1000 ms on the select() operation. Although this is not a problem when the server uses a
ThreadPool with more than one thread, but for a single threaded server, this timeout
gives rise to a bottleneck and should be reduced to a lower value.

I have proposed 200 ms for the timeout here, but if anyone has preference for a greater
or lower value, I am open to that too.

Bug:  (To appear)

- Kurchi

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