Code Review Request: 8014254: Selector in HttpServer introduces a 1000 ms delay when using KeepAlive

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Fri May 10 06:04:14 PDT 2013

Thanks Kurchi, the changes look fine to me.


On 09/05/2013 22:15, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
> I have re-arranged the code a little, so that the events are handled
> first, any freed up
> connections are then registered with the selector, post which select()
> is called. This
> removes the bottleneck in a single threaded server receiving requests
> from the same client
> with a high frequency.
> - Kurchi
> On 5/9/13 1:45 AM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
>> On 05/09/2013 01:56 AM, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
>>> On 5/8/2013 4:35 PM, Matthew Hall wrote:
>>>> On Wed, May 08, 2013 at 04:06:10PM -0700, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
>>>>> uses a selector to get notified about
>>>>> interesting
>>>>> events (such as arrival of a new connection, or data available to read
>>>>> on an existing connection when using keep-alive), but imposes a
>>>>> timeout of
>>>>> 1000 ms on the select() operation.
>>>> Maybe I'm missing something since the bug is not viewable to the
>>>> community,
>>>> but, if I'm reading properly, this design by itself is not quite
>>>> right, and
>>>> the fix of 200 msec selector timeout is just a band-aid solution.
>>>> Shouldn't it be registering interestOps for reading on the existing
>>>> connections and accepting connections from the server socket in the
>>>> selector?
>>>> Otherwise why use any selector in the first place if it's not really
>>>> selecting
>>>> across all the right sockets and right events on them?
>>> - If you look at the implementation, this is exactly what is done.
>>> However, for keep-alive, the implementation delays the re-registering of
>>> a used channel
>>> for reading until after one select call, which results in the
>>> bottleneck. The other option is to re-register existing channels before
>>> the select call, this is what
>>> was done in jdk6. But I would need to understand why we walked away from
>>> that. Michael or Chris can shed some light on this.
>> I'm not sure why this changed from jdk6, but I don't see any reason it
>> cannot be reverted back.
>> -Chris.
>>> Thanks,
>>> - Kurchi

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