Code Review Request: 6328537: Improve javadocs for Socket class by adding references to SocketOptions

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Mon May 13 03:19:19 PDT 2013

On 11/05/2013 00:35, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
> This is a simple improvement in the javadocs of the Socket and ServerSocket
> classes, to cross-reference the SocketOptions class where appropriate.
> It looks
> like a lot of changes in the webrev, only because I have re-justified
> the text
> in some cases.
> Bug:
> Webrev:

This will make navigating from these API's to the specification for 
their respective options much easier. A simple change, but very user 

> The specdiff isn't very helpful, but here it is:

Not at all. It gives confidence that nothing untoward has accidentally 
changed. Especially, as you say, when there is significant realignment 
of the method descriptions.

As Alan pointed out, at some point we need to sort out the relationship 
to StandardSocketOptions, but what you have is fine for now.


> Thanks,
> - Kurchi

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