Code review: 8010464: Evolve java networking same origin policy

Vitaly Davidovich vitalyd at
Mon May 13 05:30:46 PDT 2013

Hi Michael,

On the synchronized issue, I think you do need it; if someone, e.g., calls
reset() while this method is running, you'll get NPE.  Maybe pull the keys
array into a local then and iterate over the local instead?

Also, why LinkedList instead of ArrayList(or Arrays.asList, as Alan
mentioned, although maybe caller is expected to modify the returned list)?


Sent from my phone
On May 13, 2013 6:42 AM, "Michael McMahon" <michael.x.mcmahon at>

> Thanks for the review. On the javadoc comments, there are a couple
> of small spec changes that will probably happen after feature freeze
> anyway.
> So, that might be the best time to address the other javadoc issues.
> I agree with your other comments. On the synchronized method in
> MessageHeader,
> I don't believe it needs to be synchronized since the method is not
> relying on
> consistency between object fields, and the returned object can be
> modified before, during or after the method is called anyway.
> Michael
> On 12/05/13 08:13, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> On 10/05/2013 12:34, Michael McMahon wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This is the webrev for the HttpURLPermission addition.
>>> As well as the new permission class, the change
>>> includes the use of the permission in
>>> The code basically checks for a HttpURLPermission in plainConnect(),
>>> getInputStream() and getOutputStream() for the request and if
>>> the caller has permission the request is executed in a doPrivileged()
>>> block. When the limited doPrivileged feature is integrated, I will
>>> change the doPrivileged() call to limit the privilege elevation to a
>>> single
>>> SocketPermission (as shown in the code comments).
>>> The webrev is at**
>>> michaelm/8010464/webrev.1/<>
>> A partial review, focusing mostly on the spec as we've been through a few
>> rounds on that part already. Overall I think the javadoc looks quite good.
>> I realize someone suggested using lowercase "url" in the javadoc but as the
>> usage is as an acronym then it might be clearer if it were in uppercase,
>> maybe "URL string" to avoid any confusion with
>> I assume you'll add a copyright header to HttpURLPermission before
>> pushing this.
>> A minor comment on the javadoc tags is that you probably should use
>> @throws instead of @exception.
>> At a high-level it would be nice if the fields were final but I guess the
>> parsing of actions and being serialized complicates this.
>> setURI - this parses the URI rather than "sets" it so maybe it should be
>> renamed. If you use URI.create then it would avoid needing to catch the
>> URISyntaxException.
>> normalizeMethods/**normalizeHeaders- I assume these could use an
>> ArrayList.
>> HttpURLConnection - "if a security manager is installed", should this be
>> "set"?
>> MessageHeader - some of the methods are synchronized, some are not. I
>> can't quite tell if getHeaderNames needs to be synchronized. Also is there
>> any reason why this can't use Arrays.asList?
>> HttpURLConnection.**setRequestMethod - "connection being open" ->
>> "connect in progress"?
>> That's all I have for now but I think there is further review work
>> required on HttpURLConnection as some of that is tricky.
>> -Alan.
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