Code review: 8010464: Evolve java networking same origin policy

Weijun Wang at
Mon May 13 06:54:47 PDT 2013

On 5/13/13 9:38 PM, Michael McMahon wrote:
> On 13/05/13 14:29, Weijun Wang wrote:
>> Hi Michael
>> Until now, for all types of permissions, the "actions" property takes
>> the form of a comma separated list, and it's always accumulative. For
>> example, it can be "read", or "write", or "read, write". In fact, the
>> policytool makes use of this style so that you can click on single
>> actions items to create a combined one.
>> Now with HttpURLPermission, this is no longer true.
>> Of course, there is no way to list single items for HttpURLPermission
>> (no wellknown header name) so the new style doesn't really affect
>> policytool that much. It's just that I realized this difference when
>> trying to support this new Permission type in policytool.
> Max
> If I understand you right, the difference isn't the fact that the list
> elements "accumulate", but that
> the range of possible values is unlimited. Of course, there is a syntax
> difference (with the ":" char) also.

The components on the two sides of ":" have different meanings, so you 
cannot make "A:B:C:D" from "A:B" and "C:D". That's what I mean "not 
accumulative", at least, cannot be accumulated use simple string 

Yes, for existing Permission types, actions only have limited possible 
values, but it's not restrictive to 1 or 2.

>> To use the old style, "GET,POST:Header1,Header2" will have to be
>> rewritten to "GET:Header1, GET:Header2, POST: Header1, POST:Header2".
>> The more the items are, the more complicated it will be. I am not sure
>> how many methods and headers you would need in a typical use case.
> I'm not sure I follow this. The second example isn't supported in
> HttpURLPermission.

Yes, I can see that from the CCC.

> You would
> just create four separate permission objects if that's what you want to
> grant. I imagine that typically
> only small numbers of headers (5 or less?) would typically be used.

And you normally need multiple methods as well?


> Michael
>> Thanks
>> Max
>> On 5/10/13 7:34 PM, Michael McMahon wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This is the webrev for the HttpURLPermission addition.
>>> As well as the new permission class, the change
>>> includes the use of the permission in
>>> The code basically checks for a HttpURLPermission in plainConnect(),
>>> getInputStream() and getOutputStream() for the request and if
>>> the caller has permission the request is executed in a doPrivileged()
>>> block. When the limited doPrivileged feature is integrated, I will
>>> change the doPrivileged() call to limit the privilege elevation to a
>>> single
>>> SocketPermission (as shown in the code comments).
>>> The webrev is at
>>> Thanks
>>> Michael

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