Code review: 8010464: Evolve java networking same origin policy

Michael McMahon michael.x.mcmahon at
Mon May 13 07:43:40 PDT 2013

Okay, adding or removing elements would do that (though it won't happen 
in practice)
as opposed to reset(). So, I guess it's better practice to make it 


On 13/05/13 15:19, Vitaly Davidovich wrote:
> If the array or nkeys is modified while getHeaders is running, you can 
> get NPE or ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.  If you synchronize, the 
> method returns some list of headers, and it's true that as soon as it 
> returns some other thread can mutate the headers and thus the returned 
> list isn't "in-sync" with current headers, but there's no exception.
> Sent from my phone
> On May 13, 2013 9:45 AM, "Michael McMahon" 
> <michael.x.mcmahon at <mailto:michael.x.mcmahon at>> 
> wrote:
>     On 13/05/13 14:12, Vitaly Davidovich wrote:
>>     I get what you're saying about before/after, but the difference
>>     would be that if it's called during then you get an exception
>>     purely due to missing synchronization; in the before/after case,
>>     caller may observe "stale" entries but that's fine, as you say.
>     How would that be? The only effect of synchronization is to ensure
>     that the other call
>     occurs before or after (so to speak).
>>     Maybe headers aren't reset in practice, but this code looks
>>     suspect to someone reading it. :)
>     Right, we shouldn't be depending on caller behavior, but I still
>     don't see a problem to be fixed.
>     Michael
>>     Sent from my phone
>>     On May 13, 2013 9:05 AM, "Michael McMahon"
>>     <michael.x.mcmahon at
>>     <mailto:michael.x.mcmahon at>> wrote:
>>         Hi Vitali,
>>         I was going to switch to use Arrays.asList() as you and Alan
>>         suggested. So getHeaderNames() would look like:
>>             public List<String> getHeaderNames() {
>>                 return Arrays.asList(keys);
>>             }
>>         So, it turns out synchronizing  nkeys and keys is no longer
>>         necessary.
>>         It's true that reset() could be called during the call. But,
>>         it could (in theory) be called
>>         before or after either. In practice that won't happen, since
>>         the request headers
>>         aren't ever reset.
>>         Michael
>>         On 13/05/13 13:36, Vitaly Davidovich wrote:
>>>         Actually, local may not work since getHeaders uses nkeys as
>>>         well - can run into AIOBE.  Probably best to just
>>>         synchronize given current implementation.
>>>         Sent from my phone
>>>         On May 13, 2013 8:30 AM, "Vitaly Davidovich"
>>>         <vitalyd at <mailto:vitalyd at>> wrote:
>>>             Hi Michael,
>>>             On the synchronized issue, I think you do need it; if
>>>             someone, e.g., calls reset() while this method is
>>>             running, you'll get NPE.  Maybe pull the keys array into
>>>             a local then and iterate over the local instead?
>>>             Also, why LinkedList instead of ArrayList(or
>>>             Arrays.asList, as Alan mentioned, although maybe caller
>>>             is expected to modify the returned list)?
>>>             Thanks
>>>             Sent from my phone
>>>             On May 13, 2013 6:42 AM, "Michael McMahon"
>>>             <michael.x.mcmahon at
>>>             <mailto:michael.x.mcmahon at>> wrote:
>>>                 Thanks for the review. On the javadoc comments,
>>>                 there are a couple
>>>                 of small spec changes that will probably happen
>>>                 after feature freeze anyway.
>>>                 So, that might be the best time to address the other
>>>                 javadoc issues.
>>>                 I agree with your other comments. On the
>>>                 synchronized method in MessageHeader,
>>>                 I don't believe it needs to be synchronized since
>>>                 the method is not relying on
>>>                 consistency between object fields, and the returned
>>>                 object can be
>>>                 modified before, during or after the method is
>>>                 called anyway.
>>>                 Michael
>>>                 On 12/05/13 08:13, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>>                     On 10/05/2013 12:34, Michael McMahon wrote:
>>>                         Hi,
>>>                         This is the webrev for the HttpURLPermission
>>>                         addition.
>>>                         As well as the new permission class, the change
>>>                         includes the use of the permission in
>>>                         The code basically checks for a
>>>                         HttpURLPermission in plainConnect(),
>>>                         getInputStream() and getOutputStream() for
>>>                         the request and if
>>>                         the caller has permission the request is
>>>                         executed in a doPrivileged()
>>>                         block. When the limited doPrivileged feature
>>>                         is integrated, I will
>>>                         change the doPrivileged() call to limit the
>>>                         privilege elevation to a single
>>>                         SocketPermission (as shown in the code
>>>                         comments).
>>>                         The webrev is at
>>>                         <>
>>>                     A partial review, focusing mostly on the spec as
>>>                     we've been through a few rounds on that part
>>>                     already. Overall I think the javadoc looks quite
>>>                     good. I realize someone suggested using
>>>                     lowercase "url" in the javadoc but as the usage
>>>                     is as an acronym then it might be clearer if it
>>>                     were in uppercase, maybe "URL string" to avoid
>>>                     any confusion with
>>>                     I assume you'll add a copyright header to
>>>                     HttpURLPermission before pushing this.
>>>                     A minor comment on the javadoc tags is that you
>>>                     probably should use @throws instead of @exception.
>>>                     At a high-level it would be nice if the fields
>>>                     were final but I guess the parsing of actions
>>>                     and being serialized complicates this.
>>>                     setURI - this parses the URI rather than "sets"
>>>                     it so maybe it should be renamed. If you use
>>>                     URI.create then it would avoid needing to catch
>>>                     the URISyntaxException.
>>>                     normalizeMethods/normalizeHeaders- I assume
>>>                     these could use an ArrayList.
>>>                     HttpURLConnection - "if a security manager is
>>>                     installed", should this be "set"?
>>>                     MessageHeader - some of the methods are
>>>                     synchronized, some are not. I can't quite tell
>>>                     if getHeaderNames needs to be synchronized. Also
>>>                     is there any reason why this can't use
>>>                     Arrays.asList?
>>>                     HttpURLConnection.setRequestMethod - "connection
>>>                     being open" -> "connect in progress"?
>>>                     That's all I have for now but I think there is
>>>                     further review work required on
>>>                     HttpURLConnection as some of that is tricky.
>>>                     -Alan.

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