Incorrect handling of HTTP/1.1 "Expect: 100-continue" in HttpURLConnection

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Wed May 15 10:09:49 PDT 2013

The change looks fine to me.


On 15 May 2013, at 17:33, Michael McMahon <michael.x.mcmahon at> wrote:

> This is the webrev for the bug
> Thanks
> Michael
> On 15/05/13 17:03, Michael McMahon wrote:
>> Piotr,
>> We took a look at this issue again, and while it is still the case that to get Expect: Continue
>> to work properly, you need to enable one of the streaming modes. However, prior to jdk7
>> there was partial support for this mechanism, where it obeyed the protocol at least
>> when you set the Expect header. What it didn't do is delay sending the request body until
>> the 100 response is received. However, that might not have been a problem in many cases,
>> and it looks like in jdk7 this specific mode is not working exactly the same as before. One problem
>> is that a 5 second delay can be seen. 
>> Anyhow, we will fix the problem in jdk 8 so that the exact same behavior as jdk 6 is seen.
>> I'll send a webrev with a fix soon.
>> Thanks
>> Michael
>> On 07/05/13 15:40, Piotr Bzdyl wrote:
>>> In this case I will have to double check the SAAJ SoapConnection (as we encountered the problem indirectly when using SAAJ SoapConnection). The code invoking the SOAP service was setting Expect: 100-continue header as the SOAP message header and SoapConnection propagated it to HttpURLConnection. I need to confirm that it is even allowed and if it is I will report the bug in SAAJ project.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Piotr
>>> On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 4:29 PM, Chris Hegarty <chris.hegarty at> wrote:
>>>> I replied too quick. This is not a bug per say, but a limitation of the existing API.
>>>> Expect: 100-continue is only supported with streaming requests, i.e. setChunkedStreamingMode(int), or setFixedLengthStreamingMode(long).
>>>> With the above API's the appropriate header, content-length or Transfer-Encoding: chunked, can be set before return the OutputStream ( from getOutputStream() ). Without either of the above calls the content-length is only determinable after the returned output stream is closed, and this happens after the return from getOutptuStream().
>>>> So I would say this is a limitation of the API. But the workaround is quite straight forward, use streaming.
>>>> -Chris.
>>>> On 05/07/2013 03:05 PM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
>>>>> On 05/07/2013 02:59 PM, Piotr Bzdyl wrote:
>>>>>> Chris,
>>>>>> When I used the URL provided by you I have indeed access to my bug
>>>>>> report. It seems the notification email I got with confirmation of my
>>>>>> report submission provides the misleading URL. Is it possible to fix it
>>>>>> in the notification template?
>>>>> You are right the URL provided to you is pretty much useless, at this
>>>>> point. Not that is matters much, but there are separate JIRA projects
>>>>> for bugs moving from web screening to the "real" bug incidents. If it is
>>>>> any consolation, your issue has made it all the way ;-)
>>>>>> When I debug the code (using the test case I attached to the bug
>>>>>> report), it doesn't go into the
>>>>>>          if (streaming() && strOutputStream == null) {
>>>>>>              writeRequests();      // <<<< Here
>>>>>>          }
>>>>>> but goes directly to expect100Continue() in:
>>>>>>          if (expectContinue) {
>>>>>>              expect100Continue();
>>>>>>          }
>>>>> Ah ha. that is the bug. We should always writeRequests ( write headers )
>>>>> when expectContinue is set. I'll update the bug with this clear comment,
>>>>> and then propose a patch for JDK8.
>>>>> -Chris.
>>>>>> On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 3:52 PM, Chris Hegarty <chris.hegarty at
>>>>>> <mailto:chris.hegarty at>> wrote:
>>>>>>     Hi Piotr,
>>>>>>     Your bug is accessible at
>>>>>>     <>
>>>>>>      From my reading of the code the headers should be sent before
>>>>>>     waiting for the reply to continue.
>>>>>>      From sun/net/www/prtotocol/http/__HttpURLConnection:
>>>>>>          getOutputStream() {
>>>>>>              ....
>>>>>>              if (!checkReuseConnection())
>>>>>>                  connect();
>>>>>>              boolean expectContinue = false;
>>>>>>              String expects = requests.findValue("Expect");
>>>>>>              if ("100-Continue".__equalsIgnoreCase(expects)) {
>>>>>>                  http.setIgnoreContinue(false);
>>>>>>                  expectContinue = true;
>>>>>>              }
>>>>>>              if (streaming() && strOutputStream == null) {
>>>>>>                  writeRequests();      // <<<< Here
>>>>>>              }
>>>>>>              if (expectContinue) {
>>>>>>                  expect100Continue();
>>>>>>              }
>>>>>>              ....
>>>>>>          }
>>>>>>     Are you seeing something different?
>>>>>>     -Chris.
>>>>>>     On 05/07/2013 02:25 PM, Piotr Bzdyl wrote:
>>>>>>         Hello,
>>>>>>         This is my first post to this mailing list so I would like to
>>>>>>         say "Hi".
>>>>>>         The reason I subscribed and I am writing is that I believe I
>>>>>>         have found
>>>>>>         a bug in sun.*.HttpURLConnection class (in particular how it
>>>>>> handles
>>>>>>         Expect: 100-continue header). I have already submitted a bug at
>>>>>> <> <> but
>>>>>>         after almost 3 weeks I still
>>>>>>         cannot access the bug and check its status
>>>>>>         (
>>>>>>         <>).
>>>>>>         I would like to ask if <>
>>>>>>         <> is alive or if
>>>>>>         it is possible to report the bug in the OpenJDK project or is
>>>>>>         there any
>>>>>>         other alternative procedure for submitting bug reports.
>>>>>>         Best regards,
>>>>>>         Piotr Bzdyl
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