JEP 110: HTTP 2 Client

Michael McMahon michael.x.mcmahon at
Thu Dec 18 10:48:23 UTC 2014

Hi Wenbo,

We are just doing some prototyping at the moment, and hope to have an API
proposal for discussion early in the new year.


On 18/12/14 02:42, Wenbo Zhu wrote:
> I am new to the JEP process. Has there been any update on this work? 
> Is there an API proposal to look at?
> Thanks,
> Wenbo
>       JEP 110: HTTP 2 Client
>     *mark.reinhold at <>*mark.reinhold at
>     <>
>     /Wed Nov 12 22:59:55 UTC 2014/
>       * Previous message: RFR: JDK-8015692 - is
>         thrown on Windows XP when HTTP server is started and stopped
>         in the loop.
>         <>
>       * Next message: RFR: JDK-8065222 -
>         sun/net/www/protocol/http/ doesn't execute as
>         expected
>         <>
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>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     New JEP Candidate:
>     - Mark

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