RFR 8061729: Update java/net tests to eliminate dependency on sun.net.www.MessageHeader and some other internal APIs

Amanda Jiang amanda.jiang at oracle.com
Mon Dec 22 20:09:03 UTC 2014

I have updated the fixes to reduce code duplication, please check the 
new webrev below:


On 12/5/14 1:58 PM, Amanda Jiang wrote:
> Hi,
> May I request your review for following changeset?
> There are 33 networking tests that have dependency on internal APIsun.net.www.MessageHeader and sun.net.www.HeaderParser
> This fix is to remove the internal API dependency from those tests.
> bug:https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8061729
> webrev:http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tyan/amandaj/8061729/webrev.05/
> Thanks,
> Amanda

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