and RFC 3986 compliance

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Jul 10 08:25:05 UTC 2014

On 10/07/2014 01:50, Peter Firmstone wrote:
> Are there parties on this list interested in updating to 
> RFC3986?
> Is there anyone here who has previously attempted this?  If so what 
> issues did you find with regard to backward compatibility?
Hopefully Michael McMahon will jump in and give some of the history. In 
summary, it was upgraded to RFC 3986 during JDK 6 (before OpenJDK). 
There were many incompatibilities understood and analyzed before the 
update was attempted but it was that the issues that came out of the 
wood work later that lead to a complete back-out of the update. I think 
some of the history should be in the bug database.


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