RFR [9] 8035897 : FD_SETSIZE should be set on macosx

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sun Mar 2 11:44:14 PST 2014

On 28/02/2014 14:40, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> :
> I think option 2 is preferable:
>  http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~chegar/8035897/webrev.00/webrev/
> I'm still checking to see it an automatic regression test is possible, 
> but I wanted to circulate the changes for comment first.
This mostly looks okay to me although it's a bit inconsistent for 
NET_Timeout to have a JNIEnv parameter. It might be better to have it 
set errno to ENOMEM or some error and handle it in the call instead. 
Also just on the exception message, I assume it should be "select" 
rather than NET_Select as NET_Select has been removed.

As per the other comments then it would be good to re-visit the issue as 
to why select is used here as it would be good to replace it with poll 
if the issue with 0-length UDP packets has been fixed.


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