RFR: 8043118: update test/java/net/URLPermission/nstest/lookup.sh to use explicit @build target

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Wed May 14 13:20:16 UTC 2014

Hi Michael,

On 5/14/14 1:11 PM, Michael McMahon wrote:
> On 14/05/14 11:39, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> On 14/05/2014 11:35, Michael McMahon wrote:
> Okay. I just updated my jtreg and the test passes with the wildcard. I'm
> not sure why
> it was changed to use the wildcard, but there doesn't seem to be any
> point in me changing it back.

I believe the issue is that you need to specify any of the library
classes that might be referred to at run time on the @build command
line - otherwise you risk getting a ClassNotFoundException depending
on whether that class got compiled (or not) by the tests that ran
before yours...

So .* is more reliable.

(that's my understanding - but I may be wrong)

-- daniel

> Thanks,
> Michael

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