HTTP 2 client API

Michael McMahon michael.x.mcmahon at
Fri Jul 31 14:19:06 UTC 2015

On 31/07/15 14:56, Michael McMahon wrote:
> T
>> == HttpRequest.create(URI) and related.
>> Using a URI is not correct since requests may be made for targets that
>> are not URIs, see
>> Examples: OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1, CONNECT foo:9090 HTTP/1.1 where "*" and
>> "foo:9090" do not parse as URIs.
>> I suggest to rename uri() to target() and allow it to take a string
>> rather than a URI.
> I did find that to be problematic when implementing CONNECT
> in particular.  That might be a good solution.

Sorry, just on that point again. It was never intended to support
anything other than URIs here, whether as a String or URI object.
We don't want to allow CONNECTs directly and since it is possible
to create a request without a URI, I think OPTIONS can be supported that 

- Michael

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