HTTP 2 client API

Simone Bordet simone.bordet at
Fri Jul 31 17:22:56 UTC 2015


On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 6:33 PM, Michael McMahon
<michael.x.mcmahon at> wrote:
> Well, it needs co-operation between the producer and the consumer
> obviously. But, the onResponseBodyChunk() method could write to a queue
> and block if it reaches a certain size. The onRequestBodyChunk() would
> read off the data and send it on. When the queue reaches a lower limit it
> notifies the producer to continue. It's not asynchronous, but is possible
> and I'm not sure we're aiming at this type of application.

Sure, it's possible to implement it in a blocking way with the current APIs.
But the whole world is moving to asynchronous APIs, so... :)

> Having said that, this is an area we planned to look at again, after the
> initial putback.

Great! Please notify this list when you have a further revision to review.

> Strangely, Future.cancel() doesn't specify any such restriction, but
> CompletableFuture.cancel() does. In theory, one could sub-class
> CompletableFuture and implement cancellation behavior that way,
> but the intent does seem to be that cancellation should come from outside
> and just be reported through this class. And considering the point above
> about stopping runaway request sends then maybe an explicit
> cancellation API would be useful.

Right. Just remember that in my experience, supporting abort() would
complicate the implementation a lot, but I guess it's just an
implementation detail.

>> IMHO the API is confusing, I prefer just doing builder.header("Foo",
>> "foovalue").header("Bar", "barvalue").
> the parameters have to be specified in pairs
> with (header name first, then value) * n

Right, but you cannot enforce that, so the API is brittle, hence my dislike :)

Thanks !

Simone Bordet
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