[9] RFR 8138953: HttpURLConnection doesn't fallback to another auth scheme if negotiate process failed

Artem Smotrakov artem.smotrakov at oracle.com
Wed Oct 7 15:58:33 UTC 2015

Please see updated webrev



On 10/07/2015 06:51 PM, Artem Smotrakov wrote:
> Hi Max,
> HttpURLConnection obtains credentials for HTTP authentication from 
> Authenticator [1] implementation. Only one authenticator can be set in 
> JVM instance. It can have built-in credentials, or do some 
> interactions with user to get them. Theoretically, it can provide 
> different credentials depending on a user/application/etc. I don't 
> know how it is used in real application, but it seems to be a possible 
> situation. When I was looking into this, I found a tech note [2] which 
> says the following about fallback
> ...
> Fallback
> If the server has provided more than one authentication schemes 
> (including Negotiate), according to the processing order mentioned in 
> the last section, Java will try to challenge the Negotiate scheme. 
> However, if the protocol cannot be established successfully (e.g. The 
> kerberos configuration is not correct, or the server's hostname is not 
> recorded in the KDC principal DB, or the username and password 
> provided by Authenticator is wrong), then the 2nd strongest scheme 
> will be automatically used. Attention : If http.auth.preference is set 
> to SPNEGO or Kerberos, then we assume you only want to try the 
> Negotiate scheme even if it fails. we won't fallback to any other 
> scheme and your program will result in throwing an IOException saying 
> it receives a 401 or 407 error from the HTTP response.
> ...
> As far as I understand, the current version of HttpURLConnection 
> doesn't seem to follow this. That's why I think it needs to be fixed. 
> Otherwise, the tech note [2] should be updated.
> It doesn't look like a serious issue for me (that's why it is P3, or 
> maybe it should be P4). Furthermore, it looks like nobody has had such 
> a problem before because I didn't fine any bug about that at 
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net
> According to [2], Digest -> Basic fallback should not happen. 
> HttpURLConnection is quite smart, and if I understand correctly, we 
> have only "http.auth.preference" and Authenticator.setDefault() to 
> control HTTP authentication process. Maybe we can make it more 
> configurable.
> [1] http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/net/Authenticator.html
> [2] 
> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/net/http-auth.html
> Artem
> On 10/07/2015 05:39 PM, Wang Weijun wrote:
>> I will look into this. Busy on something else at the moment.
>> Do you think this would happen in reality? There weren't a lot of 
>> fallback in HTTP auth, IMO, is that because in most cases username 
>> and password are the same for all schemes, and if one fails, we 
>> believe the pair is wrong and there is no need to try another. 
>> Negotiate was picked as a special case because configuration could go 
>> wrong even if the username and password are correct, and we provide a 
>> fallback.
>> For example, what about fallback from Digest to Basic? Could the 
>> digest credentials be provided correctly at first and wrong later? 
>> What would happen?
>> I haven't read the HttpURLConnection class for a long time and I 
>> could be wrong.
>> Thanks
>> Max
>>> On Oct 7, 2015, at 7:19 PM, Artem Smotrakov 
>>> <artem.smotrakov at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Please review this for 9.
>>> According to [1], an HTTP client should try to use another HTTP 
>>> authentication scheme if negotiate process failed for some reason, 
>>> and a user didn't specify SPNEGO or Kerberos in 
>>> "http.auth.preference" system property. But no fallback happens if, 
>>> for example:
>>> - an HTTP server supports both Negotiate (via Kerberos) and Basic 
>>> authentication schemes
>>> - first, a user provides correct Kerberos credentials, and a 
>>> connection is successfully established with Negotiate scheme
>>> - then, a user provides wrong Kerberos credentials, but correct 
>>> Basic credentials
>>> This fix updates HttpURLConnection to try another authentication 
>>> scheme negotiate process failed, and SPNEGO and Kerberos schemes are 
>>> not preferred. The fix may be shorter, for example:
>>> if ( serverAuthentication != null || inNegotiate && 
>>> !"negotiate".equals(AuthenticationHeader.authPref)) {
>>> , but I thought that some logging might be helpful.
>>> Also added a test which checks this and a couple of other scenarios 
>>> work fine.
>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8138953
>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~asmotrak/8138953/webrev.00/
>>> [1] 
>>> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/net/http-auth.html
>>> Artem

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