WebSocket client API

Pavel Rappo pavel.rappo at oracle.com
Fri Oct 9 13:18:51 UTC 2015

> On 8 Oct 2015, at 20:51, Simone Bordet <simone.bordet at gmail.com> wrote:
> What it is still missing is the fact that there is no specification
> about the onXXX methods regarding the lifecycle of the parameters
> passed in.

There is, actually. I have put it as a top-level javadoc, not as a javadoc to
each single method. But that's an editorial problem, not a spec one.

1. Go to: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~prappo/8087113/webrev.01/raw_files/new/src/java.httpclient/share/classes/java/net/httpclient/WebSocket.java
2. Look for occurrences of "reuse". There are exactly 2 of them :-)

> For example, this is going to surprise users (simple echo):
> onBinary((ws, bytes, last) -> {
>    ws.sendBinary(bytes, last, null, (_, failure) -> {});
> }

That would only surprise people who don't read javadoc. Or you
want to say it's an inherently bad decision to allow people to
reuse implementation's ByteBuffer?

> It's not going to work because the send is async, and there is no
> specification about who owns the ByteBuffer "bytes".
> In my experience, it is bad to force applications to perform a copy
> (not to mention that the copy could be really expensive, as WebSocket
> frames could be large).

I wonder what percentage of use cases this scenario corresponds to? Namely, a
huge payload being received, transformed(?) and sent on the WebSocket. I ask
this because I have to understand whether the added complexity worth the value
provided by the functionality.

> This would also lead to applications being forced to block waiting for
> the send to complete

How come? Send is not blocking. Unless one performs a rather odd thing: will
block on handler completion before returning an onXXX call.

> StatusCode makes little sense to me: it's a wrapper for int, and
> nothing more. I would prefer to see primitive int in the signatures.

Type safety, having documentation in a single place, maybe richer string
representation (toString)? 

> Method isClosed() does not convey enough information.
> WebSocket has built-in in the protocol half-closes, so it should be
> able to report this information, like Socket returns
> isInputShutDown(), isOutputShutDown() and isOpen().
> A simple enum would do.

What's the use case other than debugging?

> I think it's enough for the builder to provide an async build() method only.

Makes sense.

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