RFR: JDK-8134577 - Eliminate or standardize a replacement for sun.net.spi.nameservice.NameServiceDescriptor
Mark Sheppard
mark.sheppard at oracle.com
Tue Oct 27 12:22:15 UTC 2015
Hi Artem,
thanks for the feedback, I'll make the changes for 2 & 3.
I'll look into rework of try-with-resources.
On 26/10/2015 00:24, Artem Smotrakov wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> I am not a reviewer, just have a couple of comments about InetAddress.java
> 1. It may be better to create an instance of Scanner in
> try-with-resource block to be sure that Scanner.close() method is called.
> 2. Lines 909-923:
> There are two similar "if" blocks in the loop. Looks like the first
> one is not necessary (I also see similar code in lookupAllHostAddr()
> method, maybe this code could be moved to a separate method).
> 3. extractHostAddr() and extractHost() methods:
> The methods assume that "hostEntry" contains at least one whitespace,
> and access first and second elements of "mapping " array. It may be
> better to check that length of "mapping" is more than one to avoid a
> possible ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
> Looks like those methods may also be static.
> Artem
> On 10/26/2015 02:32 AM, Mark Sheppard wrote:
>> Hi,
>> please oblige and review the following changes
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~msheppar/8134577/webrev/
>> which address the issue raised in
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8134577
>> the operative word has been "eliminate".
>> As such, the interface and service descriptor
>> sun.net.spi.nameservice.NameService
>> sun.net.spi.nameservice.NameServiceDescriptor*
>> *together with its implementation
>> (sun.net.nameservice.dns.DNSNameService)
>> has been remove from the JDK libraries.
>> The immediate impact is seen in the JDK testing framework.
>> To facilitate testing activity, and provide a replacement for the
>> customized NameService implementations in the
>> JDK tests, the default NameService has been extended to support
>> the retrieval of host to IP address mappings from a file.
>> The file path is specified with a system property " jdk.internal.hosts".
>> Previously a nameservice provider was specified by setting the system
>> property
>> "sun.net.spi.nameservice.provider.", as per the documentation
>> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/net/properties.html
>> InetAddress now tests to determine if this property is set and will
>> throw a ServiceConfigurationError
>> indicating that this functionality is no longer supported. The choice
>> of ServideConfigurationError may cause
>> some debate, or disagreement. The rationale was that InternalError,
>> is documented to relate to a JVM error,
>> and javax.naming.NamingException has a context of DirContext.
>> A possible alternative candidate could be
>> javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException.
>> As such, the setting of the property
>> "sun.net.spi.nameservice.provider." was used, previously, as a
>> configuration
>> parameter for the loading of a NamerService service provider, and as
>> this is now (considered) an error, ServiceConfigurationError,
>> seemed a best fit!
>> These changes impacted a number of jdk security tests, also. The
>> affected tetsts have been amended to adopt the
>> changes, with the exception of
>> test/sun/security/x509/URICertStore/ExtensionsWithLDAP.java
>> which will require some rewrite.
>> regards
>> Mark
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