Removal of NET_ThrowByNameWithLastError?

Langer, Christoph christoph.langer at
Thu Aug 4 10:15:38 UTC 2016


following up my change for I'd like to discuss the removal of NET_ThrowByNameWithLastError and its replacement with JNU_ThrowByNameWithLastError.

Currently NET_ThrowByNameWithLastError just adds the errno to a default message and then calls JNU_ThrowByNameWithLastError with that extended default message. However, the default message will only be printed out if an exception occurs in converting an error string to a Java String object or if instantiation of the new exception object will fail. So it is highly unlikely that the added error number will ever show up to a user. Furthermore, the sprintf inside NET_ThrowByNameWithLastError is prone to memory overwrites if e.g. the defaultDetail is too long and the errmsg buffer will be exceeded.

One could argue that the call to WSAGetLastError() for the Windows version could bring some benefits over the common JNU_ThrowByNameWithLastError function but not even that is the case as getLastErrorString() on Windows calls the Windows API GetLastError() and this has been the same in result as WSAGetLastError() for a very long time on Windows (I believe ever since the 32bit era has begun with Windows 95 or so). And as stated before, this error number will only very unlikely show up, anyway.

To sume it up: The only added value of NET_ThrowByNameWithLastError is that there could be cases where you might see an error number value - though I think this is very unlikely to happen. But if you say this is valuable I suggest to add this error number fallback to JNU_ThrowByNameWithLastError in common.

Here is a webrev that would remove NET_ThrowByNameWithLastError: But I did not yet file a bug for this...

Thanks in advance for your comments

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