HTTP/2 Client WebSocket support

Pavel Rappo pavel.rappo at
Thu Aug 18 10:08:03 UTC 2016


Though it's not yet complete and some bugs are expected [1], I strongly suspect
the reason you don't receive any messages from the server might be due to
MessageListener implementation. Could you please post its code? Thanks.


> On 18 Aug 2016, at 10:38, Rahman USTA <rahman.usta.88 at> wrote:
> Hello;
> I try the WebSocket API in java.httpclient module;
> URI uri = URI.create("ws://localhost:8080/merhaba");
>         MessageListener messageListener = new MessageListener();
>         WebSocket.newBuilder(uri, messageListener)
>                 .buildAsync()
>                 .join();
> I have this code, it connects to WebSocket server, but after connection it doesn't get messages sent from server. Is this feature ready to test?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Rahman USTA
> Istanbul JUG

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