HTTP/2 Client WebSocket support

Rahman USTA rahman.usta.88 at
Thu Aug 18 12:54:00 UTC 2016

Ah, it is now okay. I was using Tyrus WebSocket Client and WebSocket
message were coming asynchronously without calling webSocket.request(1)
like method there. It is something like releasing a lock from semaphore.

A WebSocket server can send any message at any time to any client, so how a
client will be able to get any message at any time with this API ? For
example, if our server pushes new stock exchange data to our client, how
can I get this multiple data from server when they come ?


2016-08-18 14:23 GMT+03:00 Pavel Rappo <pavel.rappo at>:

> > On 18 Aug 2016, at 11:44, Rahman USTA <rahman.usta.88 at> wrote:
> >
> > Hmm, how should I refactor it on my code to make it clear?
> Pardon, I don't think I fully understand the question.
> In the API you have two _independent_ points where you can start your work.
> 1. When an instance of WebSocket is ready the CompletableFuture returned
> from
> WebSocket.Builder.buildAsync completes with this instance.
> 2. When an instance of WebSocket is ready WebSocket.Listener.onOpen is
> invoked
> with this instance.
> These instances correspond to the same communication (or
> session/connection if
> you like).
> That's it. There's no guaranteed order in which these 2 events (obtaining
> an
> instance) occur. By default the point where the initial request is made is
> WebSocket.Listener.onOpen.
> When and where you make consecutive requests usually depends on your
> readiness
> to handle them. So for instance, if you were writing an echo server you
> might
> decide to request the next message when the previous has been sent:
>     CompletableFuture<?> onText(WebSocket webSocket, Text payload, boolean
> isLast) {
>         return webSocket.sendText(payload, isLast)
>                 .thenRun(() -> webSocket.request(1));
>     }
> Just choose what suits you best, I guess.

Rahman USTA
Istanbul JUG <>
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