HTTP client API

Wenbo Zhu wenboz at
Tue Aug 23 19:57:15 UTC 2016

On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 12:56 AM, Michael McMahon <
michael.x.mcmahon at> wrote:

> There is an updated version of the HTTP client API doc [1] and a specdiff
> [2] showing the changes
> proposed from the current version in JDK9 dev.
> The main changes are:
> 1) The request and response processors are now based on Flow.Publisher and
> Flow.Subscriber
> 2) Response bodies are retrieved synchronously with the response headers
> as part of the
>     HttpRequest.response() and responseAsync() methods
> 3) Because of the change above, to allow code to examine the headers and
> decide what to do
>     with the body before retrieving it, there is a new entity called a
> HttpResponse.BodyHandler
>     which is given the status code and headers, and which returns a
> HttpResponse.BodyProcessor.
>     Static implementations of both body handlers and body processors are
> provided, to make the
>     simple cases easy to code.
> We are currently working in the sandbox repository again and will have
> these changes
> in the main JDK9 dev forest soon.
Is it possible to access the API code somewhere before then, mainly as a
convenience for reviewing the APIs?

> Thanks,
> Michael
> [1]
> [2]
> package-summary.html
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