RFR 8022580: sun.net.ftp.impl.FtpClient.nameList(String path) handle "null" incorrectly

Svetlana Nikandrova svetlana.nikandrova at oracle.com
Wed Jul 13 12:14:28 UTC 2016

Chris, Daniel,

thank you for your comments.
Please see updated review:

Thank you,

On 12.07.2016 17:25, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> Svetlana,
>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Esnikandrova/8022580/webrev.03/>
> The source code changes look fine. On the test...
>> On 11 Jul 2016, at 14:20, Daniel Fuchs <daniel.fuchs at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hi Svetlana,
>> Have you thought of using a CountDownLatch (or some other
>> synchronization mechanism like e.g. Semaphore) to wait for
>> the server to be ready instead of:
>>   55             int port = 0;
>>   56             while (port == 0) {
>>   57                 Thread.sleep(500);
>>   58                 port = server.getPort();
>>   59             }
>> Also serverSocket needs to be volatile.
> Please remove this. It is unnecessary.
>> Or better yet, you could bind the server socket in
>> the constructor of FtpServer - which would allow you
>> to make serverSocket final instead of volatile,
> Exactly. That is the preferred style for these kind of tests.
>> and then
>> you would no longer need to make FtpServer extend Thread.
> You still need to execute the server handling code in another thread,
> but FtpServer could be just a Runnable.
> Additionally,
> - No need to catch any Exceptions in main, just declare that main throws Exception
> - with the changes above, ‘client' may be able to move into the try-with-resources block.
> -Chris.
>> best regards,
>> -- daniel
>> On 07/07/16 19:06, Svetlana Nikandrova wrote:
>>> Artem,
>>> please see updated review:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~snikandrova/8022580/webrev.03/
>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Esnikandrova/8022580/webrev.03/>
>>> Thanks,
>>> Svetlana
>>> On 07.07.2016 19:41, Artem Smotrakov wrote:
>>>> Hi Svetlana,
>>>> Thank you for addressing the comments below. The test looks fine to
>>>> me. Just a couple of minor comments.
>>>> 1. You don't really need fields in lines 77-79.
>>>> 2. try-catch block in line 86 is not really necessary as well.
>>>> It would be better to update bug subject to something more meaningful.
>>>> Artem
>>>> On 07/07/2016 08:31 AM, Svetlana Nikandrova wrote:
>>>>> Artem,
>>>>> thank you for suggested test improvements. Here is updated webrev:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~snikandrova/8022580/webrev.02/
>>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Esnikandrova/8022580/webrev.02/>
>>>>> Chris,
>>>>> seem like you have already looked into that issue before. May be you
>>>>> can find some time to review this fix?
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Svetlana
>>>>> On 06.07.2016 20:35, Artem Smotrakov wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Svetlana,
>>>>>> Thanks for addressing my comments. Could you please take a look at a
>>>>>> couple of comments about TestFtpClientNameListWithNull.java below?
>>>>>> 1. lines 64-70: should "client" be closed in "finally" block? I also
>>>>>> think it might be better to re-throw IOExceptions instead of
>>>>>> ignoring them (it may hide some problems). You can just add "throws"
>>>>>> to main() method.
>>>>>> 2. line 107: you close "out" in a couple of places in handelClient()
>>>>>> method, it might be better to add a "finally" block, and shutdown
>>>>>> everything there.
>>>>>> 3. lines 176-182: you can close a client socket in handelClient().
>>>>>> Since it's a test for JDK 9, you can use try-with-resources like the
>>>>>> following:
>>>>>> public void handelClient(Socket cl) {
>>>>>>     ...
>>>>>>     try (cl) {
>>>>>>         ...
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> ....
>>>>>> (please note that it doesn't work for JDK 8)
>>>>>> It would reduce the code and simplify the test (you would avoid some
>>>>>> "try" blocks).
>>>>>> I am not sure that you need to close "out" if you close the socket.
>>>>>> 4. Typo: handelClient -> handleClient
>>>>>> Artem
>>>>>> On 07/06/2016 09:11 AM, Svetlana Nikandrova wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Artem,
>>>>>>> thank you for your replay. I believe I addressed all your comments.
>>>>>>> Please see updated diff:
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~snikandrova/8022580/webrev.01/
>>>>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Esnikandrova/8022580/webrev.01/>
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> Svetlana
>>>>>>> On 05.07.2016 20:54, Artem Smotrakov wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Svetlana,
>>>>>>>> I am not an official reviewer, but I have a couple comments below.
>>>>>>>> TestFtpClientNameListWithNull.java:
>>>>>>>> 1. Shouldn't "commandHasArgs" be volatile? Looks like it may cause
>>>>>>>> intermittent failures. As a sanity check, you may want to run the
>>>>>>>> test in a loop to make sure it is stable.
>>>>>>>> 2. You may want to make FtpServer implement AutoCloseable
>>>>>>>> (terminate() method just becomes close()). Then, you can use it in
>>>>>>>> try-with-resource block which would simplify the code (you can
>>>>>>>> avoid a couple of nested try-catch blocks).
>>>>>>>> By the way, it might be good to make sun.net.ftp.FtpClient
>>>>>>>> implement AutoCloseable as well, but probably it should be a
>>>>>>>> separate enhancement.
>>>>>>>> 3. line 62-63, 66: should it be in "finally" block?
>>>>>>>> 4. How many connection is FtpServer supposed to handle in this
>>>>>>>> test? If only one, it might be better to remove the "while" loop
>>>>>>>> and "done" variable to simplify the code.
>>>>>>>> 5. Is it necessary to handle a client connections in a separate
>>>>>>>> thread? Avoiding too many threads would simplify the test.
>>>>>>>> 6. The test ignores a couple of IOException, it might be better to
>>>>>>>> fail it they occur.
>>>>>>>> 7. Why is it necessary to use daemons?
>>>>>>>> 8. Please use braces for "if" statements, see Java Coding Conventions.
>>>>>>>> FtpClient.java: please update copyright year.
>>>>>>>> Artem
>>>>>>>> On 07/05/2016 07:40 AM, Svetlana Nikandrova wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> please review this fix for bug
>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8022580
>>>>>>>>> Webrev:
>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~msolovie/8022580/webrev.00/
>>>>>>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Emsolovie/8022580/webrev.00/>
>>>>>>>>> Description:
>>>>>>>>> There is no handling for null path parameter in the method
>>>>>>>>> sun.net.ftp.impl.FtpClient#nameList(), while javadoc says that
>>>>>>>>> "@param path a String containing the pathname of the directory to
>>>>>>>>> list or null for the current working directory". Changeset adds
>>>>>>>>> check that if param is null NLST will be sent without parameter
>>>>>>>>> (no-parameter default is current directory).
>>>>>>>>> JPRT tested.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>> Svetlana

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