RFR JDK-8156693: Improve usability of CompletableFuture use in WebSocket API

Pavel Rappo pavel.rappo at oracle.com
Wed Jun 8 13:13:56 UTC 2016

> On 7 Jun 2016, at 18:42, Roger Riggs <Roger.Riggs at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Pavel,
> Looks fine.
> WebSocket.java:
> - line 82:  I'd replace 'never' with 'does not'; it is more like a statement for fact and less a guarantee.
> - LIne 54: The notation "{@code .onX}" seems unnecessary, is quite cryptic, and can be removed.
> Are there any tests that would be updated to go along with the change to CF<WebSocket>.
> Regards, Roger

Roger, thanks for review. Here's the updated webrev:


Please note, I decided to address onX-notation later. For now I put it into the
TODO here:


Also I'm aware that current level of test coverage is very low. My plan is too
gradually increase it. What you're talking about is a useful implementation
Namely, whenever a CompletableFuture returned from `sendX` methods completes
normally it MUST yield "this WebSocket" instance.


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