Preliminary RFR JDK-8159053: Improve onPing/onClose behavior

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at
Thu Jun 23 14:17:19 UTC 2016

Hi Pavel,

I would avoid terms like application and client in any specification or 
API description,
it may be that the caller of the API is another library.
The javadoc should focus on the behavior of each method when it is called.

$.02, Roger

On 6/23/2016 10:09 AM, Pavel Rappo wrote:
> Simone,
>> On 23 Jun 2016, at 14:48, Simone Bordet <simone.bordet at> wrote:
>> I think you should not use the word "client" since it's not clear if
>> you refer to the application or the implementation.
>> Here it can be mistaken for both, but it's really the implementation.
>> However, the readers of the Javadocs will mostly be application
>> writers and would interpret it as the application.
> Is this some kind of a clever sarcasm, designed to point out the ambiguity in
> question? Because I actually meant the *application*. Consider the following
> flow of events (let's assume a simplified scenario where all CFs from sendText
> are returned already completed):
> |->sendText("...", false);
> |->sendText("...", false);
> |<-onClose()
> |->sendText("...", false); (A)
> |->sendText("...", true);  (B)
> onClose() has been received, but the application can still send messages until
> the last chunk has been finally sent. Do you agree with this?
>> I think this is wrong.
>> Leaving room to "implementation specific" details is allowing for
>> writing applications that are not portable.
> We're talking about an extremely rare corner case, where we guarantee that a new
> message WILL NOT be sent to the server. The difference is how the WebSocket will
> react on attempting to do so.
> Okay, I'm fine with REQUIRING is a new message is a attempted to be send, WS
> will send a Close message instead and complete the CF returned from send
> operation exceptionally.
>> WebSocket's close mechanism is a double half close, like TCP.
>> In TCP the semantic is very clear: sideA can half close, sideB can
>> continue sending data, sideA will continue reading data, until sideB
>> half closes.
>> Same semantic in WebSocket.
>> WebSocket's onClose() is invoked when the server has half closed,
>> similar to reading -1 from TCP.
>> That only means that the server will not send more data.
>> The client side could send data, and the server must receive it
>> without problems.
>> Once the client decides it's finished sending data, it will return
>> from onClose(), and the implementation will send the reply close frame
>> (if not already sent by the application).
> I'm not a TCP expert. Does TCP allow an endpoint to skip the data it receives
> after this endpoint has half-closed the connection? Because WebSocket does:
>     ...However, there is no guarantee that the
>     endpoint that has already sent a Close frame will continue to process
>     data...
> Thanks,
> -Pavel

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