
Bernd Eckenfels ecki at
Thu Oct 6 19:17:15 UTC 2016


Java HTTP clients (HTPURLConnection) can use a limited functionality of
the system proxy. If you use Applet/JWS it is also configured on the
cotnrol panel.

You can also access system key and trust stores (with limited
functionality). You would use storeType=Windows-MY or Windows-root:

C:> keytool -list -storetype Windows-MY

Keystore-Typ: Windows-MY
Keystore-Provider: SunMSCAPI

PNRP (Naming), PrivateKeyEntry, Zertifikat-Fingerprint (SHA1):
BitLocker, trustedCertEntry, Zertifikat-Fingerprint (SHA1):
Eckenfels. Bernd, PrivateKeyEntry, Zertifikat-Fingerprint (SHA1):


Am Thu, 6 Oct 2016 18:58:45 +0000
schrieb "Mark A. Claassen" <MClaassen at>:

> After asking some questions at JavaOne, I was told I could get more
> complete answers here. My question is about authentication mechanisms
> and support for native network configurations.  
> Is the new client going to have access to the system proxy
> configuration settings?  It would be nice if there was a natural way
> to use the system keystores as well.
> This is a real pain-point for our rollouts.  People log in to their
> computers (generally Windows and Macs for our users) and, if they can
> access the web in their browser, they think that our application
> should be able to as well.  However, we have to ask them to try to
> duplicate their settings in our application.  Many times this
> involves an authenticating proxy.  Is this possible to do with the
> new HttpClient?  Is it possible without jumping through a lot of
> hoops?
> (Currently we are using the Apache HttpClient library, which has
> hooks where we can do some proxy authentication.)
> Thanks,
> Mark
> Disclaimer:
> The opinions provided herein do not necessarily state or reflect
> those of Donnell Systems, Inc.(DSI). DSI makes no warranty for and
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